Monthly Archives: January 2015

A Lovely Year of Finishes – 2014 Finale

It’s been such a treat to read on everyone’s review of an entire year. A Lovely Year of Finishes that Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts and I co-lead is so grand. We so enjoy that it’s been a helpful … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts | 2 Comments

A Lovely Year of Finishes – December 2014 Winners

We finished out 2014 with a bang. Tomorrow Shanna and I will announce our grand finale winners, but today it is all about our winners from the month of December. You intrepid holiday gift sewists! Here’s what our amazing sponsors … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts | 5 Comments

Rough Start 2015

Well…let’s just say my 2015 didn’t start of with a bang. Rather it started off quite terribly. Hence my absence. I came home from vacation to discover that my fridge had died. Which means everything in my fridge had rotted, … Continue reading

Posted in Charity | 12 Comments

A Lovely Year of Finishes – January 2015 Goals Party

  I’m so thrilled to see so many recaps of 2014 and personally to kick 2014 out the door. The new-ness of 2015 and all it’s possibilities make me smile. ~~~ Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts and I are … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts | 19 Comments

A Lovely Year of Finishes – 2014 Finale Party!

Hello finishes. That’s right it’s time to recap what we’ve accomplished in 2014 …last year. A Lovely Year of Finishes that Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts and I co-lead has been awesome! ~~~ Here are my finished A Lovely … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts | 5 Comments