Category Archives: Clothes

First Day of First Grade!

Whoever told my Anne that she could grow up…I’m not happy with you! She needs to stay little and mine forever! Seeing as I’m not going to get my way and she is going to keep growing up into a … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Finishes, Clothes, Personal Post | 4 Comments

Because everyone needs giraffe pants…

This week I made Anne a pair of giraffe pants. You may remember her giraffe hoodie I made last year. Holy cuteness batman! I mean seriously! Well, this weekend we were going through her pants drawer looking for sweats, only … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 Finishes, Christmas, Clothes | 9 Comments

Quilt Market Sewing

This month I had the honor and pleasure of sewing some adorable dress samples for Camelot Fabrics and their Mickey Mouse and Friends booth at Quilt Market.The first outfit I got to make was this adorable Kimono Style Romper. This … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 Finishes, Camelot Fabrics, Clothes, Quilt Market | 5 Comments

Princess Merida – My October Finish

I did it! Despite throwing my back out, I spent 5 hours yesterday, sitting on a heating pad and sewing. I know I couldn’t have finished if I had needed to cut anything but luckily I cut out everything a … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 Finishes, A Lovely Year of Finishes, Clothes, halloween | 12 Comments

The First Day of Kindergarten

Well autumn has surely arrived in Western Washington, where we call home. It is a balmy 46 degrees this morning while I write this post. Along with autumn arriving (a bit too early for me), Anne has decided to grow … Continue reading

Posted in Clothes, Personal Post | 7 Comments