Monthly Archives: October 2013

October Finish – Cutest Pink Tiger Ever!

I actually finished my goal way at the beginning of the month. The most complicated article of clothing I have sewn to date, Anne’s Halloween Costume!  I took her shopping at JoAnn’s to pick her fabric and being the pink … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Clothes, halloween | 15 Comments

Take That Halloween Grinch!

This mama knows how to save Halloween for my little girl! Do you remember my post about the Halloween Grinch?  Well, I am happy to report that 3 days after writing the post I finished Anne’s new quilt. There were … Continue reading

Posted in Finished Quilts, halloween | 12 Comments


Sunday I was struck with a tragedy…quite literally. I was struck by the needle of my precious sewing machine. OUCH!!!!! In case you missed that I will say it again: OUCH!!!! I’m fine, I just barely missed bone and nail, … Continue reading

Posted in Featherweight, Personal Post | 25 Comments

Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Entry 1

  I thought long and hard about which quilt I should enter for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival over at Amy’s Creative Side.  For my first entry I wanted to do my mom’s Purple Bee Quilt. I am entering this quilt … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Bee Blocks, Finished Quilts | 9 Comments

A Lovely Year of Finishes – October Finishes Party

How on earth did it already become the end of October. I was reading yesterday that there are something like only 60 days left until Christmas! WHAT?!?  Next month my goal will have something to do with Christmas sewing I … Continue reading

Posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts | 7 Comments