What do you do with all your finishes? I find that I make a lot of projects for the blog for sponsors and some for myself that truly have no purpose or intended recipient. For example I made last week’s Valentine’s Pinwheel Table Runner with nobody in mind, I just started sewing blocks and suddenly a table runner was born. What do you do with all your projects – you can’t keep everything, can you? I mean she who dies with the most quilts still ends up cold in the end (sorry, that was a bit morbid…).
So what do I do with my finishes? I have about 6 quilts in my house right now – these were actually made with my immediate family members in mind. Everything else I giveaway. I have so many wonderful people in my life and I love sharing with them, but what I love doing even more is donating to charity. My Valentine’s Pinwheel Table Runner is going to be going up for auction to benefit a mission started by my friend Sarah – THE Mission (Tanzania Health & Education Mission). Last year I donated one of my framed photographs:

We can’t keep everything, try though we may and because we can’t I think it is important to find good causes that you believe in to support. The table runner above is being donated for auction, the money raised will go towards health supplies for the Tanzanian people and will help raise awareness about the mission. If you are at all interested in finding out more information about THE Mission, please email me (melissa (at) sewbittersweetdesigns (dot) com) or go to their website. I can put you in direct contact with THE Mission founders. Also, if you have anything you would like to donate for their annual auction, please let me know, any donation would be truly appreciated.
And don’t forget to start making your Valentine’s Day projects – I have now seen 3 of the ones from our esteemed guest bloggers and my oh my are they AMAZING! Get Working!
NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs. You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you! Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!
What a beautiful photo.
I have made one quilt for our bed, one for my son, and I have a few tops finished. Most of the quilts I make are baby quilts and I give them as gifts.
Your picture & table runner are awesome ! I donate a lot of things I make ; mostly quilts and blankets. I give people I am close to quilts , but that is a small group . Most people do not appreciate homeade gifts and think you are being ‘cheap’ (if they only knew how much is invested with time AND money ! ) . As long as God supplies me with the resources to make stuff , I promised Him I’d donate !!!
I love the charity work that I am able to do, but I have always made something with an intended recipient in mind, be friends/family or charity. I am going to have to check out the auction! 🙂
This past Christmas, some finishes, both mine and other bloggers, went to a home for youth at risk. It was a great way to share the finishes.
I love to share my work…would love to see an online auction of some type, where we could all participate. That would be cool.