Sew.Happy.Quilt Block 6 – Fireflies Tutorial

This was originally posted over on Jenna’s blog SewHappyGeek as part of the Sew.Happy.Quilt QAL. I had so much fun making this block and I am loving this quilt! Let me know if you have any questions!

So here we go!

Let’s start with the cutting instructions:

Usually when I make HSTs I cut my squares larger, but for this block, I find my results are more accurate if I cut to these measurements and starch like crazy.

All seams: 1/4 inch

Start by Assembling your 6 blue & white HSTs – I like to chain piece. Sew section after section without cutting your threads until you are done.Then cut them all apart – for newer quilters – this will save you lots of time.

Next – take 2 of your HSTs and assemble your large triangle sections (make 2):

Next – take your large red triangles and assemble two 6.5″ blocks:

(Hint) – place the pieces right sides together – line up the points and sew – then trim down to 6.5″

Next assemble two 4-patch blocks:

Layout your block and sew together – voila – you’re done!

If you have any questions – don’t hesitate to ask! melissa (at) sewbittersweetdesigns (dot) com.

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About Melissa Dunworth

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8 Responses to Sew.Happy.Quilt Block 6 – Fireflies Tutorial

  1. Lisa L. says:

    I will definitely be trying chain piecing and this block! LOVE it!

  2. Mrs.Pickles says:

    Love it! I am still a few weeks behind in the QAL, but i can’t wait to try this block too!!

  3. Anna Veit says:

    I have a couple of questions – as a new quilter – I always have questions……….

    Starch – do you use something like Niagara starch or do you use one of the quilting starches?

    Edge cutters – how do you trim your edges of your HSTs? Do you have one of those triangle shaped templates that you lay over your edges to trim? Like in your fourth picture above?

    Thanks for answering all my questions!

  4. Jacque says:

    Love your fabric choices, and the block turned out so well! Do you use starch when you do HSTs? I sometimes do. Thanks for a great tutorial!

  5. CeLynn says:

    Melissa,this block was so fun to make! I was a little hesitant because it looks complicated. However I jumped in and just Love how it turned out 🙂 Thanks for such an awesome tute!

  6. Angela N. says:

    I used your tutorial to make this block for my swap this month at the Flikr group “NuBees”. Everyone loved them! Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial!

  7. Susan says:

    Did I ever mention that this was my favorite block from the SAL?

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