Charity Sewing

I have been a bit behind in sharing my charity sewing with you. For Do Good Stitches Trust Circle in September we made these awesome granny squares.

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - September 2015These were made with charm squares and were super easy to make! Link here.

The Modern Quilt Guild I belong too is making Improv blocks for our Quilt Con charity quilt challenge. This is the block I made. I would like to make one more before our next meeting.

QuiltCon Improv Block

For October, Trust Circle is working on jewel tone and low volume blocks for a very special young lady. Here is my first block. My second one is on the back burner until I finish Merida. Luckily I can bust out these circle of geese blocks fairly quickly. Pattern here.

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - October 2015 Block 1Yesterday I started working on Merida. There are 19 different paper pattern pieces that I had to cut out. And an unbelievable amount of fabric pieces to cut. This is going to be my biggest clothing sewing challenge yet!

Have a wonderful Tuesday! I will have some pictures from the Pacific International Quilt Festival later this week. Anne was my official photographer so I need to go through the pictures she took!

Oh! And today is my 8th Wedding Anniversary! So Happy Anniversary to me and the mister.


About Melissa Dunworth

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4 Responses to Charity Sewing

  1. BillieBee says:

    Gorgeous blocks! Love the fabrics as well.

  2. Susan says:

    19! Wow, that is a lot of pieces to keep track of. Best of luck with that one. I love all your charity blocks. The one for the guild is great with the one slash of color, and I love the geese. Thanks for the link. I’ll have to decide if that is a paper-piecing I can stand to do, because I do love the block. =) Can sections be turned different ways to make weird directions? Mentally, I think it can, but sometimes mental and actual don’t match. LOL

  3. Barb N says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Hoping all is well with your hubby and dad. Your blocks are great! I especially like the black and white improv block 🙂

  4. Jo Ferguson says:

    I love all the blocks, especially your colour and fabric choices.

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