A Lovely Year of Finishes – September Goal Party

alyof2015Welcome to September! School is starting and Autumn is almost here, I can feel it in the air and the raindrops falling from the sky are also a sure sign of the changing seasons.

This month I am going to make another Hazel quilt, this one for a dear friend who is having a baby.  I probably won’t be finished by the time the darling baby arrives but at least I won’t be super late!

Hazel the Hedgehog - pink - https://www.sewbittersweetdesigns.comHazel won’t be pink, but I felt like I needed a cute picture on this post. 🙂

How about you?

What one item did you choose?

You have two requirements to be entered into the prizes this month.

1. Link-up {on this post} the first 7-days of the month

Please choose ONE project


2. Link-up in  the last 7-days of the month

Only with a completed, successful project.  And yes the same one that you choose earlier in the month.

Add your blog post or flickr photo (with appropriate descriptions) to the linky party below.

Please grab a button or link back to Shanna and I so other people can join in the fun!

And if you are on twitter or Instagram tag #ALYoF

**Please note, the linky party is the same here and over at Shanna, so there is no need to enter twice **

 Here’s our amazing prizes this month…thank you sponsors!

1. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness

 Sew Sweetness

2. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs

Honey, Bunny, and Doll

3. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies â€“ Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere

4. Green Fairy Quilts â€“ 3 pdf patterns

5. $15 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop

FatQuarterShop - https://www.fatquartershop.com

6. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle

The Littlest Thistle - http://www.the-littlest-thistle.com/

7. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs

Meadow Mist Designs Button

8. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams


9. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet


10. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to
Stitches n’ Giggles (winners choice)

11. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern


About Melissa Dunworth

This entry was posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to A Lovely Year of Finishes – September Goal Party

  1. swooze says:

    Hazel is adorable!

  2. Heather says:

    I just love Hazel’s!

  3. Hazel is so darn cute 🙂 My first time here but surely I’ll be back at the end of the month! 🙂

  4. Kaholly says:

    Hazel makes me smile. My grammie’s name was Hazel.

  5. I was looking for a challenge to help me get some projects finishes and just found out about A Lovely Year of Finishes, by visiting Deb A’s VTQuilter site. Looking forward to finishing up, so many quilty projects on the go. Love Hazel, so cute.

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