If you don’t try, you will never fail

Terrible motto right? Well I have tried a couple of juried shows in the past and not gotten in.  I suppose I could live by the motto above and stop trying, or I could just try harder and try different things.  So this is me, putting myself back out there again.

Yesterday I submitted my newest quilt design to the Quilt! Knit! Stitch! show in Portland, OR. The design challenge is to make a modern quilt using Black to White fabrics (which includes grays). We were also allowed to add one pop color in one place if we wanted.  Below is my entry. I have decided to call it Hypnotic Eye.

Melissa.Dunworth.Hypnotic Eye.FULL

I have to say that I really love how the quilt turned out. There are a couple of other quilt shows coming up that I think I may also submit to, we shall see what the future holds. In the meantime. I have two quilt patterns to write before this one, but it will be coming hopefully by the end of the summer. I need to figure out how to juggle my quilting and pattern writing with a five year old who no longer wants to nap. It should prove interesting.

Here is a close up on the quilting. I will share with you either tomorrow or Monday how I came up with the different quilting designs that I decided to use.

Melissa.Dunworth. Hypnotic Eye. DETAILI hope you have a wonderful Thursday.

Also, please know that the reason I haven’t been replying to comments lately is that we have had some very personal family health challenges going on. I am going to make it a goal to spend more time focusing on the blog, but I think we can all agree, that family has to come first. Please know that I read each and every comment and that I draw much strength from the comments and love that you send when you take the time out of your day to comment. At some point I may share what has been going on, but for right now things are too fresh and still a bit painful to talk about.

Much love to all of you.


About Melissa Dunworth

This entry was posted in 2015 Finishes, A Lovely Year of Finishes, Finished Quilts, Sew BitterSweet Designs Patterns. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to If you don’t try, you will never fail

  1. Susan says:

    Melissa, family ALWAYS comes first, and anyway, you are not required by anyone to reply to comments. =) I love your entry and your attitude. The opposite is true, too. If you don’t try, you can’t succeed.

  2. Oh my giddy aunt this is just WOW, I cant stop looking at it and each time I see something different, the aqua blue just adds that something special, incredible job. 🙂

  3. Aileen says:

    wow! That is absolutely gorgeous. I’ll be shocked if it isn’t selected! That Aqua!!
    When I occasionally comment on blog posts, I never expect a reply. Bloggers are so generous in putting their stuff out there and not knowing if anyone will comment. I hope things settle for you in your family. Yup, family stuff takes priority.

  4. VickiT says:

    What an awesome quilt! I sure hope it’s chosen because it really is wonderful. Good luck!

    I hope things settle down at home, or at least give you some time to breathe a little. Stress is no fun to deal with on an ongoing basis. It’s totally draining on your entire body. I’ll be thinking and sending happy vibes your way.

  5. I Love your Quilting on this one. I think they should accept it. Sorry for your Health troubles. Take care of Family first is my Motto!

  6. If you don’t try, you will never learn! If you don’t step out of safe, there is no growth…and we want to grow, right? Love this quilt!!! Prayers for your family (and they always come first!).

  7. Amber says:

    I really like your design. I see no reason they should not accept it in the show. My motto is keep asking – all they can do is say no. They way I see it someone will say yes, you just have to find that person by asking everyone.

  8. Barb N says:

    Wow, I don’t know why they wouldn’t accept this – meets all the criteria and it’s gorgeous. If they don’t take it, they just don’t what’s good for them. But you’re right – you can’t let one defeat get the best of you – WTG on creating something even better!!!

  9. Megan says:

    This is a gorgeous quilt – fingers are crossed that the judges agree! Sorry you’re dealing with health issues in your family – you’re absolutely right to put them first. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

  10. PennyDog says:

    Good luck getting in, it should do, it’s great! Hope you’re OK.

  11. becky m says:

    This is a spectacular quilt! I’m sure it will do great in the show. Good luck with all your personal issues. Take care of yourself!

  12. Michele says:

    I love your quilt Melissa. Both Dad and I think it is absolutely beautiful! Never give up:) You and yours are always in our prayers!! xoxoxox

  13. Pam says:

    Melissa – this quilt is gorgeous! You did an amazing job and the quilting on it is wonderful. I especially love the pebble quilting on the pop of color – makes it pop even more. Thanks for sharing it. Take care.

  14. I adore this. I loved watching it come together and it’s amazing – regardless of whether it gets selected or not. I hope things on the home front improve and if you can tell me how to juggle all that stuff I’d be very appreciative! 🙂

  15. Ellie Q says:

    Love this quilt! Good luck with the show and future shows! The quilting is very cool.

  16. Vera says:

    Your design is great and the quilt looks fab! Well done! I hope things are turning back to normal and everyone is well. Hugs!

  17. Beth T. says:

    Sweetheart, no details are necessary for us to hold you close and be wishing the best for your family. I hope you’ve been feeling that, because you’ve been in my thoughts as I’ve been puttering around here.

    And your quilt is gorgeous! Are you proud of yourself? You should be! I can’t wait to see it on display. I’m going to be proud, to be one degree of separation from the creative genius behind this work of art. I’ll see you at Quilt! Knit! Stitch! I’ll be the one standing by your quilt, beaming. 🙂

  18. Good luck. It’s a beautiful piece.

  19. Martha says:

    The name you gave this quilt is perfect and the quilting detail draws me in. Off to check your post about your quilting decisions. And, congratulations on both the finish and for entering. It takes guts to put your work out there.

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