Vacation Time

We had a truly wonderful vacation in California with my family. We decided to stay until the day after Easter so that Anne could celebrate in the sun and warmth and also have that time with her grandparents.  Here is her pic with the Easter Bunny.

Do you like the dress? I made it! I was super lucky, Debbe from Pieces to Love ended up doing a quick picture tutorial for me because I really struggled with the collar. Kristy from Hopeful Threads also helped me via email. I love my friends, they are so wonderful and generous with their time!

We are still recovering and unpacking and doing laundry here. We spent most of Wednesday working in our garden. It is super fledgling right now, we planted 2 strawberry plants, a huge blueberry bush, 2 lavender plants, we hung up another strawberry plant and a gorgeous hanging flower basket as well. Mr. SBD rented a huge tiller and tilled our backyard, next up is building planter boxes. I have to say, I am really excited to turn our backyard into one big science project for Anne. It should be lots of fun!

I will try and get more pictures of our vacation up next week. All the yard work on Wednesday was not so great for my hands it is hurts to type. In the mean time, make sure you link up your project for April – A Lovely Year of Finishes and get sewing!

About Melissa Dunworth

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10 Responses to Vacation Time

  1. tubakk says:

    What a cute little girl in a cute dress. Congratulations with both!

  2. Debbe says:

    I’d love to have a garden. If I knew the squirrels would leave things alone I would do a container garden on the deck since we rent. I saw some good sized planter boxes at the store yesterday and thought they would be great for green beans and peppers. Also, you are welcome for the help with the dress, any time my friend, any time.

  3. Lisa L. says:

    You already know I love the dress! Cannot wait to see how your garden grows this summer! 🙂

  4. Kristin says:

    Super cute! I love her matching socks! Girl after my own <3!
    You guys got a lot accomplished! I can't wait to see pics.
    Watermark looks fabulous! 😉

  5. Sondra says:

    adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! as always!
    can’t wait to see your garden.

  6. Jacque (aka Snoodles) says:

    What a doll! Great job on the dress — and best wishes on the garden. Should be lots of fun!

  7. Joanne Jones says:

    So he does exist!!! Your garden sounds like it will be beautiful 🙂

  8. Katy says:

    Welcome home! Love the dress 🙂

  9. Carrie P. says:

    she is adorable in her new dress. love how you found some matching socks too.
    I hope to get out in the garden tomorrow and plants some onions and raspberry plants.

  10. Susan says:

    I’m glad you had a great time! That picture of Anne makes her seem so much more grown up. Has she hit a growth spurt lately? I love the idea of your back yard science spot! We’ve still been having freezing nights, so I haven’t put anything out yet. I’ll probably just grow tomatoes and herbs on the deck this year.

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