Ole Frog Eyes Update!

Happy Sunday Everyone! I know I’m usually not here on Sunday’s but today I just had to come and share something cool and fun with you!  Do you remember back in March I did a review of Ole Frog Eyes web tool?  Well, I finally paid for my year long subscription and just in time too! Guess what was released on Friday?!? The drag and drop feature I recommended was implemented! I know I am not the only person who asked for the feature and I also know that it was something that they had been working on for quite some time and I am just so excited to use it! I have already finished my quilt top from the Sew Happy Geek QAL, but I decided to log in to Ole Frog Eyes and play around with the lay out yesterday…mainly because it was so EASY!

Here is my original – and yes all these pictures will be screen shots so you can see what I did.

Hover over the block you want to move and place your mouse on the green icon (looks like a wrench).

Click on the wrench, hold the button down, and then you can drag you block where ever you want!

and Voila! The block is moved!

I am so excited about this new feature. We head back to Washington on Friday where I have a bunch of purple bee blocks and my month of Sew Bee Blissful waiting to be photographed and loaded up. I can’t wait to start playing with potential quilt layouts – it is going to be a million times easier now!

Thanks for listening Snoodles and the Ole Frog Eyes Team!

PS. This is not a sponsored post – I am posting it because I love this product and wanted to share with all of you!


About Melissa Dunworth

This entry was posted in Lily Pad Quilting, Ole Frog Eyes, product review. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Ole Frog Eyes Update!

  1. Lisa L. says:

    Nice!! That makes it SO much easier! Thanks for the update. 🙂

  2. Snoodles says:

    Thanks for the update on your review! I’m so happy that you are enjoying it; we’re hoping more quilters will join us now!! 🙂

  3. Belinda says:

    That looks like one awesome program!

  4. Andrea says:

    Thanks so much for updating your recent review…this will be a very helpful addition to the program!!!

  5. Susan says:

    That looks so interesting! What a great concept, and it works on Apple, too!

  6. CeLynn says:

    Thank you Melissa! What rock have I been living under? Had no idea this was even available.

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