Guest Posting Today

Hi everyone! I am not here today, I am somewhere else…don’t you wish you knew where!

Ok ok, I’ll tell you! I’m guest posting over at Created By Cori. She is hosting a Spring Clean Craft Room Series this month and invited me to be part of it. Little does she know that until a week ago, my sewing room was a DISASTER! Good thing she invited me because otherwise I it probably still would be!

Head on over to see how I turned a blank wall into a work of quilt tool art!

Go check it out! And if this is your first time to my blog, WELCOME! I am hosting a great giveaway this week from Fat Quarter Shop and I have a wonderful free tutorial section that you are welcome to check out.

About Melissa Dunworth

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2 Responses to Guest Posting Today

  1. Jacque says:

    Oh, boy! Do I ever need that series! I’m not looking forward to moving my sewing area to another portion of our downstairs…. 🙁 But I guess I will get cleaned up and organized! LOL

  2. Lisa L. says:

    Headed over to show some love! I love your sewing space! 🙂

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